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Black and aqua tutu
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Black and Aqua dual length tutu
0 Reviews
Our Price: $30.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Weeks
Product Code: DLBLKAQA01

Waist size:

Tutu length range*:

Note to seller:

This listing includes a black and aqua tutu with a black satin ribbon bow and a gold glitter bow clip in our dual length style that is perfect for older children, teens and adults for waist sizes up to 55".

The pictures on this listing would feature the 13-18" length range with a longest layer of 17" and top layer 13". Please make a note in the note to seller section the length you would like the longest layer to be when adding this listing to your cart. For example: with the 13-18" length range your longest layer can be as short as 13" or as long as 18". If you would like it longer you would want to purchase the next length range which is the 19-24" or a longer length range that will fit your needs.

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